5CA Recruitment marketing

Lowering 5CA's recruitment costs with 40% through a targeted strategy and set of actions


5CA is an international work-from-home pioneer, specialised in supporting the world’s biggest video game developers with local customer experience agents. Recruitment marketing is essential for 5CA.

Pre-covid 5CA was one of the few companies offering remote jobs where the support agents could work from home. Minimal effort was needed to find and hire the right people.

Post-covid however, as remote working gained exponential traction, there was a sudden need to professionalize the recruitment marketing within 5CA. Especially for certain scarce languages (e.g. Japanese, German) it proved to be quite the challenge to get people for a fair price (CPH, ROI).

The Solution:

Our approach was twofold; we focused on the organizational set-up at 5CA HQ, as well as on the full recruitment journey and corresponding tooling.

• Set up a structured recruitment marketing team (roles & responsibilities, communication, training & development and tools)
• Implementation of a new ATS system (Greenhouse) to help select the right advertising channels and optimize the recruitment funnel
• Identification of the best quality job boards per country (with resulting increase from 5 to 40 job boards worldwide), with corresponding localized recruitment strategy
• Strategy and implementation of SEA/google ads advertising
• Started testing with local social media, particularly in the Asian region: LINE, Naver, Yahoo
• Definition of the most important KPI’s & metrics (% passed language assessments, CPA, CPH)
• Built dashboards together with 5CA Data team (including the most important KPI’s & metrics).

What the
client said.

“During Covid, we took the bold decision to act anti-cyclic. We redefined our brand, our value propositions, and identity, all the while, reshaping our Marketing department. N-E helped us reinvent ourselves from a fresh outside perspective.”

Nick Pauli

The tools we
used for 5CA.

Cb Competition benchmark
Ct Consumer trend canvas
Mm Market mapping
Sr Steep red analysis
As Audience sizing
Cj Consumer journey
Em Empathy map
Pc Persona canvas
Ff Financial fitness
Ia Investment analysis
Og OGSM methodology
Om Operating model canvas
Wr Wheel of reasoning
Cm Consciousness model
Cc Culture circle
Ej Employee journey
Ev Employee value proposition
Et Enneagram types
Ba Brand architecture framework
Bk Brand key
If Identity framework
Vd Value directions model
Bp Business portfolio map
Pg Portfolio growth model
Pm Product market grid
Vc Value proposition canvas
Bc Business model canvas
Ca Campaigning approach
Gm Go 2 market framework
Iw Innovation wheel
Th Three horizon growth framework
Tl Three lenses of innovation