
How we armed Bindinc. with a future-proof B2B proposition to become the insights authority in the Dutch VOD-market


Bindinc. is the Dutch leader in content discovery. Traditionally publishing TV guides, the organization has to adapt to the rapidly changing video market to maintain relevance.

By developing new, scalable value propositions, the media company aims to guide both content companies and viewers to the right video content, now and in the future.

The Solution:

Together with the Bindinc. innovation team, we created a new B2B value proposition, including a comprehensive dashboard product and complementary consultancy service. From exploring relevant and distinctive value elements, to creating a concrete proposition, developing the minimal viable product and kick-starting the launch with an appealing product and brand design.

What the
client said.

“The team of North-East played an important role in formulating the strategic framework and successfully translating it into practice. Their capabilities and sharpness in developing the proposition made all the difference.”

Gabrielle de Jong
CEO at Bindinc.

The tools we
used for

Cb Competition benchmark
Ct Consumer trend canvas
Mm Market mapping
Sr Steep red analysis
As Audience sizing
Cj Consumer journey
Em Empathy map
Pc Persona canvas
Ff Financial fitness
Ia Investment analysis
Og OGSM methodology
Om Operating model canvas
Wr Wheel of reasoning
Cm Consciousness model
Cc Culture circle
Ej Employee journey
Ev Employee value proposition
Et Enneagram types
Ba Brand architecture framework
Bk Brand key
If Identity framework
Vd Value directions model
Bp Business portfolio map
Pg Portfolio growth model
Pm Product market grid
Vc Value proposition canvas
Bc Business model canvas
Ca Campaigning approach
Gm Go 2 market framework
Iw Innovation wheel
Th Three horizon growth framework
Tl Three lenses of innovation